shimsham wrote:No, not despise. Just don't believe that letters after a name ensure superior Otherwise, qualifying becomes a, as MTP would call it, "a pissing contest."
Ye gods, I am but crystal!!
I have bided my time and watched this thread with interest (not least because
yes could take me so easily!, but I am just a big
fearty and I tremble at yes's knees!).
The interesting thing is, I do think that it is a bit like a pissing contest.
One of the people I respect the most in this industry and who I entrust with my business, has absolutely no qualifications to do hee-haw with a lens or a frame in the UK.
So ... where does that leave me?
IMHO?? Nowhere.
In the offending thread we have a guy who has skills who may be of interest to a practice who has now been put off posting again because of the backlash to his original post.
We have a rake of professionals who are up in arms because someone assumed to call themselves something that they are not.
We have a debate about the worth (or not) of a DO.
Actually, you know what, I must procure some Finasteride, that should resolve this dripping contest for those involved!
As far as I can tell, someone posted looking for work. They got it slightly wrong, and admitted their omission and corrected. There was then a whole load of "he said"/"she said" stuff. And, you know, by the way, this happens on these forums (or any forum). Everyone's toys are out of their respective prams ... and ... the world spins on.
I would wager that most of the negative posters weren't interested, in any way, in employing the original deviant. I would wager that the original deviant would not wish to be employed by many of these objectors. You know what, I am fairly certain that most of the readers of this post will wake up again tomorrow to face another day, some might not.
Rule 1 - Don't sweat the small stuff;
Rule 2 - It is all small stuff.
We could all site incidents where all of the boundaries are blurred, we have to take decisions every day and live by them, least of all,
I think these people may have something to add.