Disclaimer: The information contained in these resources are for general information purposes only. No representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability of the information contained in these resources are made. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.
A link to the current resources uploaded for all:
DrDay - Amsler Grid (Word document)
MTP - GOS18 Referral form (Word document)
MTP - Volk Lens Size Conversion (pdf)
tiggy - Tax Relief claim template for AOP/GOC/College fees
lfl - Drugs Side Effects notes (html)
lfl - Child Visual Development notes (html)
samy - Glaucoma points system (risk calculator) pdf
afb - Colour Vision patient information leaflet
Patrick - The probablities of vertical disc cupping being pathological (Word document)
TheOldBiddy - Some guidelines for new practice (.rtf)
theOptom - PQE notes on Retinal Detachment (pdf)
Retinal imaging machines compared:
GOS18 Generic (excel)
GOS18HES and GP Proforma (excel)
Making Accurate GOS Claims - guidance
Steve Mayer - Refraction Training Manual (a simple and useful guide)
http://www.optometristiem.lv/wp-content ... manual.pdf
College of Optometrists members area (British Standards etc):
http://www.college-optometrists.org/en/ ... /login.cfm?
DVLA updated guidance:
http://www.dft.gov.uk/dvla/medical/Visi ... -2012.aspx
DVLA guide on reporting fitness to drive: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/s ... _drive.pdf
Identifying Type of Multifocal:
Progressive Lens Chart PDF (right click, save as)
Progressive Lens Identifier 2007 PDF (right click, save as)
Lens Thickness Calculator (install and use offline)
or Online Calculator
Video about LogMAR scoring:
http://www.thomson-software-solutions.c ... ring2.html
Conversion charts:
http://www.thomson-software-solutions.c ... nChart.pdf
http://www.aop.org.uk/uploads/uploaded_ ... _may04.pdf
A free space stereogram, that can be used to improve fusional reserves:
If anyone has something useful to upload, please personal message me or email admin@theoptom.com
Resources Space
Re: Resources Space
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Some of the most effective evidence-based natural remedies